miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2013

December Activity for e-twinning: A CHRISTMAS CARD FOR MY FRIEND.

During the first days of December we were creating Christmas Cards for our friends of St. Edward's school we did it with our ARTS & CRAFTS teacher and the native speaker of the school. In the following video you can see what we did.

Christmas Cards during ARTS & CRAFTS on PhotoPeach

On Monday 16th we got the Christmas cards from St. Edwards it was really exciting. Our English mates did an amazing job.  THANK YOU TO ALL OF THEM!   In this videos you can see us with the cards during the English lesson. 

Christmas Cards Delivery on PhotoPeach

We also want to show you a part of our Christmas Show, it is the part in which we were taking part and singing a Christmas Carol with the students of High School.


miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Our e-Twinning projects in Diario Palentino

This is the article which appears on the 8th of December in the Diario Palentino. It is about the three e-Twinning projects who are been carried out in our School. One of them is "Sharing ideas, writing stories"

sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013

5fl 15

5fl 14

5fl 13

5fl 12

5fl 11

5FL 10

5FL 9

5FL 8

5FL 7

5FL 6

5FL 5

5FL 4

5FL 3

5FL 2

Kenzie 5FL

domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

Esme 5FL

Jay 5FL

Sam 5FL

Leo and Max 5FL

Jaden and Ethan

Callum and Liam 5FL

Anessa and Anna 5FL

Ellie 5FL

Alex 5FL

Alice and Kenzie 5FL

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Introducing myself - Colegio San Gregorio.

The first task in our e-Twinning project was to introduce ourselves. We have done this with our English teacher. You can see the activity in our English Teacher blog:

Here you can see the final products:

These are YEAR 6 A videos.

These are YEAR 6 B videos:


We excited to see what the other two school are doing for this task. 

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013


Rochdale, England 
St. Edward's CE Primary School is situated in the Northwest of England. The school has 14 classes with 345 students aged between 4-11. St. Edward's is an Ambassador Eco School and is unique in England with a small urban farm with donkeys,pigs, goats, hens and other small animals. The staff and students care and look after the environment creating a caring ethos within the school. 

Aguilar de Campoo, Spain

San Gregorio school is placed in the north of Spain. Our town is called Aguilar de Campoo, its population is about 7.000 habitants, most of them work in the two important biscuits factories. The sourrounding area is really beautiful from the natural and enviromental point of view.
About the school, we have three sections: Infant, Primary and High school. In Primary school we are about 240 students and 16 teachers. Among our students we have some emigrants from different countries: Paraguay, Romania and China. We also have a Bilingual section, we teach Science and Arts & Crafts through English as well as we teach English languages lessons. Our educational philosophy is "to work with the last ones in our society", so we have some students with specific educacional need, and another ones also with specific social needs.
Our main aim to join in this project is to develop the European atmosphere in our pupils, families, teachers and in the local area. Also we also hope to develop the languages skills in our school community.

Lathi, Finland

Karisto school was established in 2010, as the first half was built, while the second half was completed in spring 2013. The school has grown gradually. During the academic year 2013-2014 there are classes from 1st to 5thgrades, next year the body of pupils will also include grade 6. There is also a daycare center and a preschool in the same building. 

The school is located at a beautiful spot surrounded by forest and a lake, in the middle of a newly established living area. We emphasize cooperation between preschool age pupils and 1st and 2nd graders (6-8-year-olds). We also lay emphasis on the development of linguistic awareness of pupils, literature, interaction, and sustainable development. We have a 30-minute break every day when we encourage the pupils to move about as much as possible. Physical activity has been reported to enhance learning. 

This year we have 223 pupils, while13 teachers and 2 school assistants work in the school.

Project explanation.

This project will provide the opportunity for the three schools in Spain, Finland and England to collaborate and work together with pupils aged 9 and 10.
The project will not only enable students to meet new friends but develop cultural awareness of life in other countries in Europe focusing on schools, towns and regions.
Additionally we want to develop and extend students computer skills through the use of Web 2.0 and also improve and develop literacy skills in reading and writing.
The project will provide real life learning experiences and a real audience for pupils to exchange work with. Furthermore through this creative project pupils will be motivated to produce work of a high standard raising self-confidence and achievements.
The project will be developed over the next academic year and we aim to complete and exchange every one or two months.
To conclude and consolidate our learning the final activity will involve producing a story book!


Este proyecto nos ofrece la oportunidad a los tres colegios (español, finlandés, e inglés) de colaborar y trabajar juntos con nuestros alumnos de 9 y 10 años.

Este proyecto no sólo permitirá a nuestros alumnos conocer nuevos amigos sino también desarrollar una conciencia cultural de la vida en otros países de Europa centrándonos en los colegios, las ciudades, y las comunidades.

Además de todo esto, queremos desarrollar las destrezas con las TIC de nuestros alumnos a través del uso de la Web 2.0 y mejorar las destrezas lingüísticas de lectura y escritura.

El proyecto nos ofrecerá experiencias de aprendizaje de la vida real y compañeros con los que nuestros alumnos compartirán e intercambiarán trabajo. Más allá a través de este creativo proyecto los alumnos se motivarán a producir trabajos de un gran nivel elevando así la confianza en sí mismos y sus logros personales.

El proyecto será llevado a cabo a lo largo de este curso académico y nuestro objetivo es realizar un intercambio de trabajos cada dos meses.

Para concluir y consolidar todo lo aprendido la actividad final será ESCRIBIR UN LIBRO DE CUENTOS!!

Tämä projekti mahdollistaa suomalaisen, espanjalaisen ja englantilaisen koulun yhteistyön 9-10 –vuotiaiden oppilaiden kesken. Projekti auttaa oppilaita tutustumaan toisiinsa, sekä kehittää kulttuurienvälistä tietoisuutta kouluista ja asuinalueista toisissa Euroopan maissa.

Lisäksi toivomme oppilaiden luku-ja kirjoitustaidon, sekä tietoteknisten taitojen kehittyvän mm. Web 2.0:n (sosiaalisempi lähestymistapa sisällön tuottamiseen ja jakamiseen) kautta. Projekti tarjoaa tosielämän oppimistapahtumia, sekä ”oikean” yleisön, jolle työt voi esitellä. Oppilaat toivottavasti motivoituvat tekemään korkealaatuista työtä, mikä kasvattaa itseluottamusta.

Projekti kestää lukukauden 2013-2014. Pyrimme olemaan yhteydessä joka kuukausi tai joka toinen kuukausi. Lopputyömme tulee sisältämään omia kertomuksia sisältävän kirjan tekemisen!

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Se are getting ready for the inauguration celebration of our new school here in Lahti, Finland. Our school is made of wood, with beautiful architecture.